Saturday, January 28, 2012

Updates...As If Anyone Will Read It

Life has taken some pretty interesting turns since I last posted on here. Allow me to give you a rundown (with bullets!):

  • I bought a motorcycle
  • Stripped it down
  • Let it sit for a long time
  • Did some things I'm not proud of
  • Dedicated my life back to God
  • Began attending church again
  • Ended up being the Praise & Worship Leader
  • Got a couple raises at work
  • Motorcycle still sitting...neglected
  • Got a new guitar
  • Writing music (hopefully recording an album eventually)
That's about it in a very confined nutshell (possibly an underdeveloped peanut shell). My heart is on fire for God. I have ups and downs, but in my heart I know that's all I want. I want to accomplish so much to be a light to others and glorify God. It's amazing really how much He has blessed me. Well, it's late and I don't know what else to say at the moment. So.....good night and God bless.

Oh yea, I got a cat. He's awesome and his name is Bills. He's my brotha-from-anotha-motha if you will. Later.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Obsessions

motorcycles. they're amazing. the road to freedom. a chance to leave all your troubles behind. nothing but you, your bike, the road, and the wind against your face. my dad has a '77 Triumph Bonneville. it's been sitting in his basement/garage for the past 20+ years...with an occasional kickstart. it doesn't look so pretty right now. but in two weeks, we begin Operation Bonnie. at that time, we will begin stripping it apart (gas tank and all). we'll get it ready to fix or replace any parts. New paint, new parts, and a new life for "Bonnie". So hopefully, during this whole process, i will post pictures of the process from beginning to end. until then, here's an idea of what it will look like. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Confessions of a TV Series Addict

addiction: The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

usually, people are addicted to things like drugs. i am addicted to House...and One Tree Hill. the One Tree Hill addiction came first when the girlfriend came home with season 1 on DVD. i was somewhat reluctant, but she insisted. a few episodes in, i was hooked. after the 1st season, we got the 2nd and 3rd...then the 4th and 5th. we finished all five seasons in no time. actually, too fast. we've been One Tree Hill-less for over a month and it's kind of excrutiating. i've got to know what happens. good thing the next season comes out on DVD on the 25th or 28th of this month. T-minus 9 or 12 days.

as for House, the addiction is a little different. i saw House when it first came on TV. it was completely awesome. it was different, crazy, funny, shocking...and addictive. unfortunately for me, i always missed it and my satellite was canceled and have been going without actual TV for pretty much over a year. therefore, i haven't seen very many episodes. so, we got the first season last week and can't stop watching it. season 1 is over and we're now moving on to season 2. it is such a good show.

oh yeah...on top of House and One Tree Hill, there's also The Office. We burned through the first four seasons in no time. season numero five comes out soon. i'm never going to get any sleep.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekend With the Family

headed to the lake this weekend. my folks rented a cabin on the lake in Blueridge. it should be fun. fishin', swimmin', guitar-pickin', scary-movie-watchin', and all sorts of country bumpkin fun. maybe i'll have some stories to post when i get back. who knows, Jason could even show up. i know it's not Crystal Lake or anything, but maybe he's on some kind of summer lake tour. if not, i think he should. he could tour lake camping spot around the country and scare people. then, he could sell t-shirts. they could say,"I Survived Camping while Getting Attack by Jason...and all I got was this stupid shirt (and an awesome machete wound!)". it could be yet another way to keep the Friday the 13th legacy going. they could even film it and release it as a special feature in the next one. that would be sweet.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Barely Alive from Nine-to-Five

today was my first day back after my little vacation. don't get me wrong, i am truly thankful for my job in these trying times, but boy do i dislike it. at times, there's too much to do. i run around for "The Man" and complete some truly rediculous tasks and then when i'm done, he has me redo it. we have a small warehouse with few emloyees and a lot of work and even more material. do the math:

small warehouse
few employees
a lot of work
+ even more material
a really messy warehouse with a bunch of chickens
running around with their heads chopped off.

then, there are times when i find myself wandering aimlessly through the vast and cluttered aisles searching for tile that i don't need and/or staring off into space. the tiles become particles of air...invisible. but there are times when i just check my email or facebook, knowing there will be no updates or comments...or messages...or anything truly worth my time. but i think to myself, "finding nothing is better than finding something useful to do." that's kind of sad now that i put it to words. maybe i'll try to find more work to do when i'm bored from now on. but then again, my phone also plays YouTube videos.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Copy Cat #1

just checking if sending pics from my phone works. ps, keep an eye out for this guy. he's vicious.

pss, this picture is a picture of a picture of me that was produced by a copy machine at work.

Testing...testing...1,2,3. Guess the mobile posts work.